News / Blog
Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy 2025!
Everyone at GoodLuckRecordings says goodbye to 2024 with the feel-good party track GET SUGARFUNKY by Jool. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy& Healthy 2025! We have a [...]
Jool will perform at Don Papa Event the 14th of November
We are happy to announce that Jool is performing live as part of the event of Don Papa Gayuma in Südmuritz , Seeufer 10 the 14th of November. Happy to [...]
Jool took part in the soundtrack of the multi award winning short film #Way_Aurelio
Jool is responsible for part of the soundtrack score of the award winning short film #WAY_Aurelio
Anthony Bourdain used Jool songs in his Series
For many years Anthony Bourdain used occasionally my songs in his unforgettable travel documentaries "No Reservations", "Eine Frage des Geschmacks" und as here in "Parts Unknown", Episode Libya, my track "American [...]
The Ambient Diaries is out September 20, 2024
The new Jewel Timo studio album "The Ambient Diaries" reveals a new sound of guitar. Unique atmospheres filled with sensuality imagery.T.A.D. is like a road trip around the world, peppered [...]
Blast from the past. In 2010 JOOL´s song “Alive” went viral
It was in 2010/11 when the production company of US-Series The Vampire Diaries decided to use Jool's title "Alive" in their advertising campaign. "Alive" went viral after Vampire Diaries fans [...]